2012年7月31日 星期二

What Are the Main Hodgkin's Lymphoma Symptoms?

Hodgkin's lymphoma is a type of lymphoma characterized by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells. These cells are seen in lymphocytes, particularly the T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes which are types of WBC's. Lymphocytes are part of your body's immune system, so it would be natural to have problems in fighting infections when you have lymphoma.

When a person has Hodgkin's lymphoma, one major sign is having an enlarged, non-tender, rubbery lymph node located at the neck, armpit, chest, or groin. However, some note presence of pain when alcohol is consumed. Hodgkin's lymphoma symptoms can also include difficulty of breathing, chest pain, or persistent cough due to a lymph node that is pressing on the air passages or lungs.

Other Hodgkin's lymphoma symptoms are unexplained weight loss, unexplained fever, and night sweats. Fatigue can result due to anemia brought about by a weakened production and storage of RBC in the bone marrow and spleen respectively. Three Hodgkin's lymphoma symptoms are called "B symptoms" which are weight loss, persistent fever, and night sweats. The presence of these symptoms is used when staging the disease and to determine just how aggressive the treatment would be.

Hodgkin's lymphoma symptoms can happen in any stages of the disease. However, most types of Hodgkin's lymphoma manifest Hodgkin's lymphoma symptoms when the disease is already at Stage III and Stage IV. This is why it is important to undergo biopsy and other tests to confirm the presence of lymphoma so proper treatment can be given to help fight the disease. A swollen lymph node may indicate just a simple infection, but if it lasts for more than two weeks without any sign of decreasing in size, an appointment with a doctor is a must.

Treatment can range from radiotherapy, chemotherapy, to bone marrow transplant. Never miss a treatment regimen and always maintain your regular check up so you and your doctor will know if the treatment is effective or needs modification. High chance of survival is noted in treating Hodgkin's lymphoma no matter what stage it was diagnosed, so never lose hope and join a support group to help you cope with the disease.

Need to learn more about Lymphoma? Be sure to check out Lymphoma Symptoms which contains in-depth information on Hodgkin's Lymphoma Symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, causes and much more.

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Common Methods of Diagnosing Lymphoma

Lymphoma is a highly problematic disease that raises serious impediments in the process of diagnosis. Considering the fact that it can occur in a variety of forms and produce a wide spectrum of unspecific symptoms, lymphoma is usually diagnosed with the aid of many different techniques. In order to establish the accurate diagnosis, pathologists need to analyze the disease from multiple angles. Morphological traits, as well as the genotype and phenotype of the lymphoid lesions should sometimes be carefully analyzed in the process of diagnosis. The administration of lymphoma treatments and therapies can only begin after patients with suspected lymphoma are given the correct diagnosis.

In order to reveal evidence of the disease in patients with suspected malignant lymphoma, doctors often perform a series of preliminary tests. These tests include blood analyses, elaborate physical examinations (enlargement of the lymph nodes often suggests the presence of lymphoma) and sometimes local biopsies of the bone marrow.

Tissue biopsies can provide cancer specialists with valuable data regarding the type of lymphoma, the type of cells involved in causing the disease, the progression rate of the lymphoma, as well as the prognosis of the affected patient. In order to reveal whether the lymphoid lesions are of benign or malign nature, pathologists analyze the tissue samples from multiple perspectives: overall cell appearance under the microscope (morphological examination), exact cell subtype (phenotype analysis) and genetic provenience (genotype analysis). If the analyzed lymphoid lesions prove to be malignant, doctors will begin the administration of chemotherapeutic drugs soon after the type of lymphoma is properly classified.

A major stage in diagnosing lymphoma consists in carefully analyzing the morphological features of the lymphoid lesions. The morphological characteristics of the lymph nodes and tissues provide doctors with valuable data on the disease, helping them distinguish benign forms of lymphoma from the malignant ones. Although morphological investigations are crucial in the process of diagnosing lymphoma, doctors often choose to further analyze the tissue samples by performing phenotypic and genotypic tests.

In order to determine the phenotype of the lymphoid cells, doctors conduct a series of tests that are commonly referred to as cell marker analysis. The procedure characteristic to these tests involves the use of different antibodies for revealing clear cell markers carried by malignant lymphatic cells. These tests offer doctors clear information about the causative cells and help in determining the exact type of lymphoma. Although they can also reveal the presence of Hodgkin's Disease, cell marker tests are commonly used to identify Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma subtypes. Such tests are used to detect whether the lymphoma is caused by abnormal activity of B-cells or T-cells and how mature the causative cells are.

In rare cases, only genotypic studies can help doctors determine if the lymphoid lesions are benign or malignant. Genotypic tests involve elaborate analyses of the cells' genetic composition and comprise a series of different methods: cytogenetic analyses, the polymerized chain reaction method and the Southern blot hybridization analysis. Despite the fact that such tests provide doctors with detailed information on lymphoma, they are also time consuming and costly. Due to these disadvantages, they are only performed under special circumstances, when all other tests fail to reveal conclusive data on lymphoma.

So, if you want to find out more about mantle cell lymphoma or even about non hodgkins lymphoma please visit this link http://www.lymphoma-center.com

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Information About Testicular Cancer

You must have heard a lot about the testicular cancer treatment though the awareness about this disease is a bit low among the population. This kind of cancer is one of the most common types affecting men in the age group of 20 to 35 years. It is therefore a must to possess the basic awareness about this kind of cancer and its treatment modes to better cure and prevent it.

What are the testicles?

These are the male sex glands which produce testosterone and the sperm. They are 2- egg shaped glands which are located inside the scrotum and are held by the spermatic cord. The scrotum also contains the vas deferens and the vessels and nerves of the testicles. The germ cells inside the testicles are where immature sperms are produced which further travel through a series of tubes to mature as a sperm. This mature sperm is finally stored in the epididymis which is a long tube near the testicle.

What is testicular cancer?

Cancer that is formed in the tissues of one or in both of the testicles is known as testicular cancer. In most of the scenarios, the testicular cancer starts in the germ cells. The testicular cancer tumor can be of 2 types, seminomas and non seminomas depending on the way they grow and their spread mode. Non -seminomas grow and spread much faster compared to the seminomas and hence both types are treated by different methods. When a testicular tumor has both seminoma and non-seminoma cancer cells, they are treated as a non-seminoma case.

How is testicular cancer diagnosed?

Testicular cancer is diagnosed by examination of the testicles and the blood to check for any cancer symptoms. A physical examination is first held to check for any symptoms of lumps or diseased areas which might look a bit abnormal. The testicles are also checked for any pain, swelling or lumps along with a complete study of the patient's medical history. Once the physical examination is done, ultrasound tests are conducted to study a picture of the body tissues. In this procedure ultrasound waves are passed through the body and a sonogram report is drawn as they bounce off the internal tissues and organs.

In case of any lump or tumor identified, the serum tumor marker test is done which is a process in which a blood sample is studied to calculate the amount of substances that is released into the blood by the body cells. If this study shows increased contents of tumor markers which indicate a cancer presence, then a biopsy and a radical inguinal orchiectomy are carried out. The tumor markers for testicular cancer are Alpha - fetoprotein, Beta-human chronic gonadotropin and Lactate dehydrogenase.

Testicular cancer Treatment Options

In almost about 95% of the cases, testicular cancer can be cured with treatment. The chance of getting cured increases the earlier the disease is diagnosed. The traditional treatment methods for testicular cancer include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Surgery - In this method of testicular cancer treatment, the testicles are removed by an incision in the groin by a method known as radical inguinal orchiectomy. Some lymph nodes in the abdomen can also at times be removed as part of the surgery by lymph node dissection methods. The removal of one testicle does not normally interfere with the patient's ability to have sexual intercourse or produce children as one healthy testicle is usually sufficient. Some may also prefer to place an artificial testicle during or after the operation for cosmetic purposes. In cases of removal of lymph nodes, it is possible that it may affect one's fertility though it does not change his sexual ability. Special nerve sparing techniques of surgery can be handled to prevent losing the ability to ejaculate in a normal manner.

Radiation Therapy - This is a mode of treatment where high-energy radiations are used to kill the cancerous cells. This is a local therapy which is normally concentrated on the diseased area reducing the effect on other normal cells. The seminomas kind of testicular cancer responds well to radiation and external machines are employed to treat them, usually after surgery. Men diagnosed with non-seminoma type of cancer do not undergo radiation therapy as such kinds of tumors are less sensitive to radiations. This kind of therapy affects the sperm production in the individuals though they can regain it within a period of 1 or 2 years.

Chemotherapy - This testicular cancer treatment includes administration of drugs to kill the cancerous cells. It is normally given as a adjuvant therapy after surgery or at times of advanced levels as initial treatment to restrict the spread. These drugs travel through the blood stream and kill the diseased cells. Sometimes the normal cells are also affected along with the cancer cells and the destruction depends on the stage of cancer and the dosage of drugs provided. This treatment reduces the sperm count in the individuals though it gets back to normal with time. High dosages of chemotherapy are advisable only when the patients undergo transplantation of the bone marrow as the drugs destroy the bone marrow cells. If you are worried about your fertility problem, then you can talk to your physician about sperm banking options which can help you have kids even if you lose fertility before or after treatment.

Factors affecting treatment options

Testicular cancer is most of the times curable and the treatment that is chosen depends on many factors that decide the chances of recovery. These factors include the type of cancer and the size of the tumor. This also includes the details like the number and size of the lymph nodes. The stage to which cancer has progressed and the levels of the tumor markers also play a pivotal role in deciding the treatment option. Some modes of testicular cancer treatment methods can lead to infertility permanently. Under such circumstances, the individuals can consider the option of sperm banking where the sperm can be collected and stored in a frozen mode.

For more information about Testicular Cancer please visit our site http://www.howcurecancer.com.

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2012年7月30日 星期一

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms and Treatment

Lymphoma can be explained as malignant proliferation of cells that originate in the lymphatic system of the body. Lymphomas belong to a definite group of diseases called hematological neoplasms. Lymphomas are broadly classified into Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is described as uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells that are originally found in the organs of lymphatic system including thymus, lymph nodes, spleen and tonsils. There are various classifications of NHL depending on the growth of the cancerous cells, their origin and their size. Depending on the growth, NHL can be classified into high-grade, intermediate grade and low-grade lymphoma. With relation to the origin of the lymphoma, NHL is divided into T-cell lymphoma and B-cell lymphoma. NHL could also be classified into anaplastic large cell lymphoma, small cell lymphoma and mixed cell lymphoma depending on the cell size. Another classification is diffusive and follicular type of NHL that is based on the spreading of the disease.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is primarily caused in immuno-compromised individuals who are infected with microorganisms such as HIV/AIDS, EBV, Helicobacter pylori, HTLV-1 and Hepatitis C. Age is also another prominent factor. NHL has been primarily observed in individuals aged above 60.

Some common symptoms observed during NHL include fever, swollen but painless lymph nodes, unusual weight loss, excessive sweating, fatigue, uncontrolled cough and breathing problem. Diagnosis of the disease is done through physical examination of lymph nodes, Blood cell counts. The stage of the disease is established through X-rays, CT scans, MRI scan and biopsy.

Some of the common therapeutic approaches for treating NHL include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or bone marrow transplantation and immunotherapy using Rituximab. Chemotherapy regimen used for treating NHL is known as CHOP, a combinatorial approach using drugs like Cytoxan, Hydroxyrubicin (Adriamycin), Oncovin (Vincristine) and Prednisone/Prednisolone.

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Preservation of Fertility in Men Diagnosed With Cancer

Who needs to consider preservation of Fertility?

a. The American Cancer Society estimates that 760,000 men will be diagnosed with cancer in 2009. Cancer itself (before treatment) is sometimes associated with less sperm production in men. This is specially the case in Hodgkin's lymphoma, testicular cancer, leukemias and colon cancer. The most harmful factor, however, is cancer treatment. Chemotherapy and radiation significantly impair sperm production. The effect of chemotherapy depends on age, drug used, dose and duration. Cyclophosphamide appears to be the most harmful agent. Radiation also impairs sperm production especially at doses of 1200cGy or more.

Sperm count sometimes recover to a variable extent years after cancer treatment. This depends on the type of cancer and treatment used. For example 90% of men diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, treated with MOPP chemotherapy regimen, do not have any sperm in the ejaculate after one year.

b. Bone marrow transplantation for cancer of nonmalignant diseases usually require prior irradiation and chemotherapy. This is associated with high risk (85%) of complete failure of sperm production.

c. Connective tissue / autoimmune diseases as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis requiring treatment with chemotherapy.

d. Genetic abnormalities associated with rapid loss of male germ cells e.g. Kleinefelter syndrome, Y chromosome microdeletion (AZFc).

Methods used for Fertility Preservation

Methods used to preserve fertility in men are generally divided into two categories:

Protection of the testes from damage caused by cancer treatment:

1. Shielding the testes from radiation field.

2. Protection of the testes from the effect of chemotherapy.

GnRH agonists are a group of medications that suppress the master gland in the brain, preventing the release of the hormones that stimulate sperm production in the testes. Although suggested, there is no proof that they actually increase the odds for pregnancy after the use of chemotherapy. Actually, there is no effective protective medication available for use in men or women.

Low Temperature Storage of Sperm and Testicular Tissue:

a. Sperm Cryopreservation. This is the standard method for preservation of fertility in men. A sperm sample is obtained by masturbation and frozen for later use. If feasible multiple samples are obtained. In the future, sperm sample are used for intrauterine insemination or IVF / intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Banking sperm was found to offer not only a chance to father children in the future but also encouragement and improved morale during disease treatment especially if it was initiated by the patient own initiative.

Lack of information and counseling is the most important reason why men diagnosed with cancer do not bank their sperm.

Although freezing may reduce the quality of sperm especially if it was not optimal before freezing, modern reproductive medicine can handle the majority of compromised specimens yielding excellent pregnancy rates, similar to those of fresh sperm.

b. Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE). This surgical procedure retrieves sperm from inside the testes if no sperm was found in the ejaculate. If this procedure is used before cancer treatment, sperm are retrieved in over 50% of cases. Sperm or testicular biopsies are frozen for later use. ICSI is used for fertilization. In case of testicular cancer, sperm retrieval can be performed at the same time of surgery for cancer.

c. Testicular Tissue or Germ Cell Freezing. This is an experimental technique. Immature germ cells or testicular pieces are frozen for later transplantation. No pregnancy was achieved using this method so far.

In conclusion, fertility-sparing strategy is readily available to the majority of men at risk for diminished fertility through sperm cryopreservation. Men interested in fathering children in the future should be counseled about this option.

Amr Azim is a board certified reproductive endocrinologist and fertility specialist with New York City IVF and author of many scientific publication in the area of fertility treatment and fertility preservation. I specialize in simple and complex fertility issues including fertility counseling & testing, male factor infertility, PCOS, endometriosis, IUI, IVF and ICSI.

I am very passionate about helping women, men and children diagnosed with cancer and other diseases understand the impact of disease and its treatment on future fertility and assist them in conceiving biological children. I write regularly at http://nycivf.org and http://preservationoffertility.org

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Leukemia Cancer - Everything You Need to Know

Leukemia is generally considered and known as blood cancer, where as if considered in its real terms leukemia is a cancer of the white blood cells and the platelets. These platelets actually help blood to clot. Additionally when the white blood cells reduce in amount they actually leave the immune system unlocked for attack and the patient sometimes die of a very usual illness like flu. In general the deficiency of normal white cells impairs the body's ability to struggle against infections. A shortage of platelets results in bruising and easy bleeding whenever there is a need of clot to stop the flow of blood.

All kinds of various acute or chronic diseases of leukemia are dangerous. Acute leukemia being a swiftly succeeding disease affects typically cells that are embryonic or primitive (which means the cells that have not yet fully developed or differentiated from the others). These not fully formed cells thus cannot achieve their standard utility. These cells are described as "nonfunctional" because they do not work like normal cells. They also number out the usual normal healthy cells in the marrow, resulting in a decrease in the number of new healthy normal cells made in the marrow. These later results in low red cell counts which is a typical form of anemia.

On the other hand chronic leukemia develops gradually, and allows the development of larger amounts of more developed cells. In broader perspective, these more grown-up cells can achieve some of their typical functionality but due to the increase in the number of cells like white blood cells the blood flow may slow down and result in severe anemia.

The leukemia is categorized in to four basic categories which are as follows:

o Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)

o Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)

o Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)

o Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

For acute leukemia following are the signs and symptoms of leukemia:

o Fatigue or tiredness

o Shortness of breath during physical activity

o Sluggish curing of cuts and excess bleeding

o Mild fever or night sweats

o Black-and-blue spots (bruises) for no evident cause

o Pinhead-size red spots under the skin

o Pale skin

o Low white cell counts

o Aches in bones or joints

As far as chronic leukemia is concerned people with CLL or CML may not have any symptoms. Some patients learn they have CLL or CML after a blood test as part of a usual checkup. Occasionally, a person with CLL may see enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, armpit or groin and go to the doctor. The person may feel exhausted or short of breath or have frequent infections, if the CLL is more severe. In these cases, a blood test may show an increase in the lymphocyte count.

A comprehensive blood count is utilized to make a diagnosis of leukemia. This blood examination may confirm high or low point of white cells and show leukemic cells within the blood. Sometimes, number of platelet and red cell are fairly low. Bone marrow tests like aspiration and biopsy are often carried out to verify the analysis and to glance for any chromosome irregularities. All these tests spot the leukemia and its cell category. These tests must be continued after regular intervals after treatment commences to gauge how sound the healing is.

Find my cancer related article and breast cancer articles by clicking on the links.

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2012年7月29日 星期日

What is Large Cell Lymphoma?

Lymphoma is a malignancy found in the lymph system, specifically in the lymphocytes. The common cells that show malignancy in lymphoma are the B-cell or B-lymphocytes and the T-cells or T-lymphocytes. These lymphocytes are responsible for destroying any pathogens that enter the body and memorize them for faster destruction the next time they invade the system. Lymphoma is sub-divided into Hodgkin's Lymphoma (formerly known as Hodgkin's Disease) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The main difference between the two is the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells, commonly found in Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Large cell lymphoma is a type of lymphoma categorized under Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This aggressive type of lymphoma usually affects the B-lymphocytes more than T-lymphocytes. Large cell lymphoma is named as such because the malignant cells in this category are bigger compared to malignant cells of other types of lymphoma. Because of its similarity with Burkitt's lymphoma, careful morphological and clinical studies must be conducted to prevent giving the wrong type of treatment.

The cause of this disease is unknown. However, viral infections such as HIV/AIDS and Epstein-Barr virus have been known as risk factors in developing this condition. Exposure to radiation during cancer treatment can pose as a risk in developing secondary lymphoma.

Signs and symptoms of large cell lymphoma are:

- Swollen, painless lymph nodes

- Fatigue due to anemia

- Anorexia

- Night sweats

- Unexplained weight loss

- Unexplained fever

After taking through medical history and physical examination, biopsy of a lymph node is done to confirm the diagnosis of large cell lymphoma. This is done by taking a sample tissue through a minor surgery and studying it under a microscope. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, several lab tests such as imaging studies (X-Rays, PET Scan, CT-Scan, Ultrasound) and blood tests are done to stage the disease.

Treatment of large cell lymphoma is based on the staging. A combination of immunotherapy and chemotherapy is the usual management utilized for lymphoma. The drugs usually have Rituxan, cytoxan, oncovin, and prednisone, a combination of immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and steroids. This is done during the aggressive stage of large cell lymphoma. Once the disease has entered its relapse stage, ICE or DHAP are used. Stage I and Stage II is treated with local radiation therapy, although radiation therapy is also applied along with chemotherapy once large cell lymphoma is at the later stage. Bone marrow transplant is done as a form of aggressive treatment as a last attempt to combat the disease. Research is still being done to fully understand the cause of large cell lymphoma so proper treatment can be done without causing too much stress on the body brought about by the aggressive effects of the medication.

Need to learn more about Lymphoma? Be sure to check out Lymphoma Symptoms which contains in-depth information on Large Cell Lymphoma symptoms, causes, treatment and much more.

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Identifying The Cause, Symptoms And Treatment Of Leukemia

No one in this world would ever want to get sick.? Getting sick is a hassle, a strain and a very big dilemma.? It prevents an individual from doing his activities of daily living.? There is no fun at all when people get sick.? But no matter how hard we try to hate the idea of being sick, if the immune system is weak and if we have lived a sedentary lifestyle, the chance of acquiring diseases is high.

There is a certain type of illness that we all hate and fear to have and it is so called cancer.? Cancer is a deadly disease and it accounts for almost half of the total mortality rate in the whole wide world.? It is scary to think that we might have the disease.? Only few have survived this health illness and we are still hoping that there will be more who will survive this disease.

Cancer has many types and you need to be aware or perhaps be educated about the different types so you will know the symptoms.? Most types of cancer are genetically acquired so if you have relatives who have suffered from cancer, better do some screening so you will know if you too have cancer.? It feels like you were hit by the strongest stun gun once you knew you have cancer.? Shocking and very heart breaking.? Other types of cancer develop because of an individual's diet and lifestyle.? Like lung cancer for instance.? Smoking is one major cause of lung cancer therefore if you have been smoking for a couple of years, better stop it otherwise you will develop lung cancer.

Leukemia is one type of cancer that all age groups can have.? The young and the old are not exempted from this and it is sad to know that many of the little ones have developed and suffered from this type of cancer.? Leukemia is characterized by an abnormal increase of white blood cells and it is one of the most dangerous of blood disorders.?

Since leukemia involves blood cells circulating through the body unlike other types of cancer which focus on the body tissues, it is sometimes not considered a true cancer.? However, leukemia cells when studied under the microscope behave like cancer cells found in tumors.? It affects the blood forming tissues such as the bone marrow resulting in an overproduction of white blood cells.?

Symptoms to all types of leukemias include that of fever, weight loss, fatigue, bone pain, anemia as expressed in paleness and an enlarged spleen.? Skin lesions may be visible and there is a tendency that it will bleed.? Infections may become even more common and the body becomes less responsive to treatment because of a loss of the normal blood cells that are needed to resist the disease similar to losing muscle control to fight back and escape when an attacker or a criminal is hit with a cheetah stun gun.

Biopsy of the bone marrow and careful blood studies helps identifying the disease.? The treatment is usually directed toward reducing the size of the spleen and the number of white blood cells in the blood. Antibiotics and administration of chemotherapeutic drugs are the treatment of leukemia.? If the cancer patient complies with all of this, life may be prolonged.

So if you know of someone with this type of disease, give support and always stand by his or her side.? It is not easy having this type of disease.? A cancer victim really needs to be strong and fight hard even though his life is already numbered.

Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and the co-founder of BestStunGun.com which provides non-lethal self defense products such as stun guns, TASERs and pepper sprays. Discover how stun guns and TASERs can save your life. Receive a free report on "Top 10 Self Defense Secrets Everyone Needs To Know". Limited amount available. Visit us and get your own copy now http://www.beststungun.com

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2012年7月28日 星期六

Mycosis Fungoides a Malignant Neo-Plastic Disease

Mycosis Fungoides is a rare form of cancer that affects the skin. The term mycosis fungoides was coined in 1806 by Alibert a dermatologist in France. It is a severe disorder in which outsized tumors in the form of mushroom are seen in the patient's skin. It affects men more than women and it is quiet prevalent in black race than in whites.

The main cause of the disease is not known and it can set off at any age. The disease progresses slowly and is often asymptomatic at early stages. Characteristically mycosis fungoides reveals symptoms approximately after 6 years from onset. According to the symptoms seen on skin the disease is categorized into four stages.

• Patch Phase: This is the first stage and the skin shows red patches bumpy and hard on some areas. The patches are usually seen on underarms, chest, buttocks, and hips.

• Skin-tumors Phase: In this second stage of the illness, large tumors in the shape of a mushroom are evident.

• Skin redness Phase: At stage 3 adding up to patches and tumors on skin, the patient develops large red areas that are itchy

• Lymph node stage: This is the final stage where the disease starts spreading to other parts of the body and it first attacks the lymph nodes and finally extends to the liver, lungs and bone marrow.

Diagnosis at early stage plays an important role in treatment options. Often initially the symptoms are confused with other less severe diseases. The diagnosis method is taking up a skin biopsy where a patch of skin is removed and examined for malignancy. Simultaneously other tests for cancer should also be done in the laboratory.

At an early stage the treatment is application of steroid creams and radiation which often slows down the progress. When the disease is advanced chemotherapy and radiation are done in combination and the patient's survival rate depends on how well the body responds to treatment.

Chris is the writer of this article, you can visit us for more information on Mycosis Fungoides and Symptoms Of Lymphoma. Visit to read more detail.

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Myelodysplastic Syndrome Symptoms

Myelodysplastic syndromes (or MDS) are a group of disorders that keenly affects the bone marrow and its production of blood cells in the body. People who developed MDS have abnormal levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets due to erratic activities of stem cells inside the bone marrow. The illness usually occurs in elderly people, about age 50 and above; but younger individuals also get inflicted. It is a disease that changes the life of the patients.

Myelodysplastic syndrome symptoms vary so it is oftentimes overlooked during diagnosis. Researches show that MDS is rarely inherited. In many cases, its cause is unknown. Although several risk factors like exposure to benzene is linked to the occurrence and development of MDS in patients. The term secondary MDS refers to cases that followed after cancer treatments like chemotherapy. The potent drugs used in chemotherapy are known to be toxic to the bone marrow.

What are the Common Myelodysplastic Syndrome Symptoms?

Symptoms of MDS may differ depending on the age of the patient and the stage of the illness upon diagnosis. Most of the signs also have great similarity to symptoms of other diseases that MDS is often hard to diagnose. The patient often has to undergo complete physical examination and a thorough medical/health history before positive results can be obtained.

Anemia is one of the most common sign of MDS. This is due to the reduced number of red blood cells circulating in the bloodstream. Anemia is often accompanied by chronic fatigue, chilled sensation, and shortness of breath. When the level of white blood cells is very low, neutropenia occurs as another symptom of MDS. The patient is more susceptible to infections due to lack of neutrophil cells in the blood. Other MDS symptoms include: unusually pale skin, chest pain, uncontrolled bleeding, and easy bruising.

What are the Clinical Examinations that Help Diagnose Myelodysplastic Syndrome?

A complete blood count and blood smear test will be performed to see if there were any unusual occurrences with the blood cells and platelets. If the blood cell count was shown as abnormally low, the next test called biopsy will involve getting a bone marrow sample. A special testing called cytogenetics will take a close look at the chromosomes found within the bone marrow cells taken from the patient. When chromosomes count is not normal, the patient is MDS positive.

David Austin is an Attorney focused on complex injury cases. You can learn more about Myelodysplastic Syndrome Symptoms at his website: http://www.Burke-Eisner.com

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Can't You Lose Weight? Body Acidity May Be the Culprit

Obesity is at an all time high in the United States and there is no indication that the numbers are going to go down. Diet products and programs abound because people are obsessed with losing fat. There are over 300,000 diet books on the market. Fad diets and gimmicks are all over television and the internet; some of which work short term, but in order to lose fat you must understand the base cause of the weight gain.

If you look at the function of fat you will find that a moderate amount of fat is not the enemy, you actually need some body fat, in fact it may be saving your life. Body fat is essential for the normal healthy function of many of the body's systems, such as, organs, bone marrow, the nervous system, and muscles. Body fat is also used as energy.

Body acidity and body fat are intricately linked in a way that is generally unknown to most people. Fat is one of the body's primary defenses used to protect your blood pH. pH is a measurement that determines the level of acidity or alkalinity. Your blood must maintain a pH of 7.3 to 7.4 to sustain life. And when your body's overall pH level is off there is low oxygen delivery to cells, creating an environment where disease thrives, setting the stage for many normally healthy processes to turn destructive.

To maintain proper pH levels, the body flushes out and removes as many acids and toxins as it can through sweating, urination, and defecation. When there are more toxins/acids than the body is able to dispose of, it produces toxic waste storage cells (fat cells) to store them in. So, you see, fat cells perform an important health function when they store toxins and excess acid. You may not appreciate the extra fat, but if you're pH is out of balance you may need these fat storage cells to sustain life.

This is an important concept to understand... If you are ingesting toxic chemical food ingredients, such as artificial sweeteners, monosodium glutimate (MSG), hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, or processed foods or exposing yourself regularly to other poisons and chemicals, like chemical based sunscreens, bug sprays, and body care products, as well as environmental toxins, then your body is working overtime to produce more and more fat cells to store these excessive toxins in. That may be the answer to why dieting, exercise and discipline may not solve your weight issues. With respect to losing weight, you and your body may not have the same goal.

The Environmental Protection Agency recently conducted fat biopsies on 400 people. Each and every person tested contained toxins stored in their fat cells and over 100 different toxic chemicals were discovered.

Want the fatty acids in your body to stick to your artery walls? Probably not. But, when blood shifts toward the acidic, fatty acids, which would normally be negatively charged, switch to positive. Since opposites attract and artery walls are negatively charged, you now have fatty acids that are drawn to your artery walls.

Blood pH and insulin regulation Another aspect in the acidity/fat connection is that blood pH controls the efficiency of insulin...and insulin regulation is one of the biggest keys to maintaining proper body weight.

Think your weight gain may be connected to a thyroid problem? You're probably right. Iodine is crucial for proper thyroid function, but iodine requires a near perfect pH level to be assimilated. Without adequate levels of iodine, the thyroid will not function at peak performance, opening the door to all kinds of health issues, such as weight gain, diabetes, depression, low energy, heart attacks, and more.

The bottom line Excess acidity throws healthy processes into a destructive mode. The body must either neutralize and get rid of the excess acids/toxins in the blood or risk major health issues.

In essence, one of the healthiest and most effective ways to initiate fat loss, and maintain balanced weight may be to detoxify your body and normalize your body's pH. Acid / Alkali will always be a balancing act. Your body will be constantly removing toxins and acids from your system as a part of normal function. But, remember, it's the excess toxins and acids, over and above what the body is able to deal with naturally, that are turned into fat cells, causing the sometimes unexplained and difficult to lose weight.

How do you know if you are alkaline or acidic? A healthy body pH range is between 6.0 and 7.5. A pH of 5.0 would be considered very acidic, and anything higher than pH 7.5 would be outside the healthy alkaline range also. There are many products on the market that either test saliva or urine so you can measure your pH level. Ask your local health food store or go online to search for a reliable pH tester or test strips. It is possible to become too alkaline, so you do not want to be above 7.5.

Here's a quick and general reference of the various effects of acid/alkaline pH levels in the body:

pH level -0 7.0 to 7.5 - Optimum health and energy 6.8- Beginning of metabolic acidosis 6.4 - Impaired digestion, hard to lose weight 6.0- 10 Times less oxygen to the cells 5.5 - Extreme acidosis, cancer and degenerative disease 5.0 - 100 Times less oxygen to the cells and life threatening

As you can see, maintaining the proper acid/alkaline levels in the body is essential to good health.

Here are some common symptoms of excess acidity:

Low energy, frequent colds, infections flues
Excess mucous production and nasal congestion
Moods, nervous, irritable
Joint pain, arthrisis, and muscle pain
Hives and rashes
Weak, brittle nails, dry hair and skin, psoriasis
Leg cramps
Acid indigestion, heartburn, nausea
Malabsorption of nutrients

So, where do you start?

You can successfully correct body acidity with changes to diet and lifestyle that include eating healthy natural food, taking supplements that support alkalizing the system, and by incorporating some form of oxygenating exercise into your routine.

If you make some changes to your eating habits and lifestyle, and pay attention to consuming foods and products that are particularly alkalizing, then your body will naturally retain it's proper balance and there will be no need for production of these unwanted protective fat cells. Don't fool yourself, food additives are toxins - they are chemicals and your body sees them as toxins. This is why processed food is so dangerous.

Drinking plenty of fresh purified water will help rid your body of toxins as they will be expelled in your urine. Sweating also helps remove toxins.

You should strive for a diet of 80% alkaline forming food and 20% acidic forming food. Many books and charts are available that list alkaline and acid forming foods to help you make the best food choices. All vegetables are alkalizing, especially leafy greens.

Investing in a quality juicer with the capability to juice greens is a great way to get more alkalizing greens. You can use the leftover pulp in soups or salads (a couple spoonfuls of pulp is a great way to add texture to an olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing).

If you don't have time to juice there are many greens products on the market such as Vital Earth Minerals' Vital Greens. For extra help alkalizing the body and removing toxins before they are turned into fat cells, Vital Earth Minerals' Fulvic Mineral Complex is a powerful and completely natural detoxifying and alkalizing agent. Fulvic quickly destroys acids in body fluids, and increases the body's ability to absorb oxygen.

The benefits of an alkaline body are far reaching The benefits of maintaining an alkaline pH exceed that of weight maintenance alone. Viruses and diseases cannot survive in an alkaline environment, including arthritis, cancer, and diabetes.

Because this is a very complex subject, our goal with this report is to stimulate your interest in the subject, and encourage you explore it further. There is a lot of information available online, as well as many excellent books on acid/alkali. Good health is all about balance, and pH levels are something that can have an immediate and positive effect on your health if you give it some effort.

For another good article on the subject, read "Acidity - The Energy Zapper" on our website. Learn the symptoms of over acidity, how to test for it, and some solutions for lowering body acidity: http://vitalearth.net/Acidit_The_Energy_Zapper.html

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2012年7月27日 星期五

Canine Lymphoma - What You Need to Know

Canine lymphoma is a cancer of lymphocytes in dogs. Lymphocytes are white blood cells that play a crucial role in defending the body against pathogens such as bacteria and virus. The tumor can develop in any part of the body where there is lymph tissue, such as lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, liver and other organs.

Canine lymphoma usually occurs in middle aged dogs, especially Golden Retrievers. The cause of this type of cancer is not known. It can be influenced by genetic or environmental factors, or both.

Canine Lymphoma Symptoms

The symptoms vary according to the type of canine lymphoma. There are several types of lymphoma, depending on which part of the body that the tumor develops.

1. Multicentric - Tumor develops in lymph nodes as painless lumps on the neck, behind the knees, under the front legs and in the groin. This is the most common type, accounting for at least 80% of all canine lymphoma. It can spread to other internal organs such as the spleen, liver and bone marrow. In the later stage of the disease, the tumor causes obstruction in the affected organ and symptoms such as weakness, tiredness, loss of appetite and fever can arise.

2. Alimentary - Tumor in the gastrointestinal tract that results in vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea and weight loss.

3. Mediastinal - Tumor of the thymus. In the advanced stage of the disease, dogs develop breathing difficulty, fluid accumulation in lungs and hypercalcemia.

4. Cutaneous - This affects the skin, causing lesions, itchiness, redness, nodules, plaques and hair loss.

Diagnosis Of Canine Lymphoma

Diagnostic tests may include a combination of needle aspirate of the affected lymph node, biopsy, blood test, ultrasound and x-rays.

Canine Lymphoma Treatment

Chemotherapy is the only treatment option. The treatment protocol and its effectiveness is determined by the stage of the disease and location of the tumor. A combination of chemotherapy drugs are administered orally and by injection.

Unlike human beings, most dogs experience no side effects from chemotherapy. Only less than 10% of dogs may suffer serious side effects that require hospitalisation. Possible side effects include hair loss, gastrointestinal problems, reduced appetite, tiredness, diarrhea, vomiting, blood in urine and low white blood cell count.

Although chemotherapy does not cure lymphoma, some dogs do go into remission for up to 1 year. However, if left untreated, most dogs will die within 4-6 weeks.

Discover natural and holistic treatment for canine lymphoma in the "Natural Help For Pet Cancer" ebook. Get your FREE copy now at http://www.ultimatedogguide.com/canine-lymphoma-treatment-ebook

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Lymphoma and Lung Cancer

Some types of cancer such as lung cancer can spread to lymph tissue like the lymph nodes or bone marrow. But cancers that begin in these places and afterward extend to the lymph tissue are not lymphomas.

There are 2 major kinds of lymphomas: Hodgkin lymphoma (also known as Hodgkin disease) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Both type of lymphoma are cancers that originate in a type of white blood cell identified as a lymphocyte, and significant component of the body's immune system. Both of these malignancies might lead to similar symptoms, but the conditions themselves are dissimilar. The difference between them is made upon assessment of the cancerous material (from a biopsy or aspiration of the tumor tissue). The kind of abnormal cells known in the sample settles on whether a lymphoma is categorized as Hodgkin's disease or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Hodgkin's disease is much less common than non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and accounts for simply roughly 1% of all cancers in the U.S. The occurrence of this cancer has really been declining in latest years, in contradiction of the increases in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease is established by visualizing tissue samples making use of a microscope.

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma also known as just lymphoma is a cancer that begins in cells called lymphocytes, which are component of the body's immune system. Lymphocytes are in the lymph nodes and other lymphoid tissues like the spleen and bone marrow.

However, as mentioned above, lung cancers that begin in these places and subsequently extend to the lymph tissue is not lymphomas.

If you want to get some excellent resources on LUNG CANCER, please visit my site on 1st-in-LungCancer

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Stem Cell Treatment For Osteoarthritis - What is it All About?

While many new and amazing therapies for rheumatoid arthritis have been developed in recent years, very little progress has been made in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and affects approximately 30 million Americans. OA is a disease of articular cartilage, the gristle that caps the ends of long bones. Cartilage has both gliding as well as shock absorbing properties.

It is this flexibility of function that enables a joint to work properly.

Normal cartilage is composed of cells called chondrocytes that sit inside a matrix consisting of collagen and glycosaminoglycans... much like grapes inside Jello.

Osteoarthritis develops when the chondrocyte begins to malfunction and starts to produce destructive enzymes. At the same time water content inside the matrix changes making it more susceptible to stress. Small cracks, called "fissures" develop. Also, local inflammation involving the lining of the joint- called the synovium- begins. The end result is a gradual and premature wearing away of cartilage.

This process is most apparent in weight-bearing areas such as the neck, low back, hips, and knees.

Current approaches to the treatment of OA involve the use of analgesics (pain-relieving medicines), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), physical therapy, proper weight management, exercises, injections of steroids, injections of viscosupplements (lubricants), and surgery.

While many of the above treatments help relieve pain, they do nothing to prevent cartilage loss... and more importantly, they do nothing to restore cartilage.

Orthopedic techniques such as chondrocyte transplantation and cartilage plug surgery are helpful for discrete, relatively small areas of cartilage loss but are generally reserved for younger people who have had traumatic injuries to cartilage. But what about the older person who suffers from osteoarthritis?

In recent years there has been much interest in the role of regenerative techniques to rebuild cartilage.

The topic of much study are stem cells. Stem cells are pluripotential cells, meaning they are cells that can become any kind of tissue, given the right stimulus. Stem cells can be obtained from embryonic tissue, which is a source of much controversy. Or they can be obtained from adults. The adult body has a small number of stem cells in many tissues. They are activated by injury or illness. Adult stem cells, as a rule, do not have the ability to differentiate as well as embryonic stem cells.

However, in recent years, techniques have been developed to harvest mesenchymal stem cells- stem cells found in the bone marrow. These mesenchymal stem cells cells, when properly prepared and concentrated, have the ability to differentiate into cartilage and bone.

Stem cells are harvested from the the patient's iliac crest bone marrow using local anesthetic and a special type of biopsy needle. The stem cells are then specially concentrated.

After the stem cells are prepared, the physician, using ultrasound guidance and local anesthetic, finds the area of arthritis involvement and irritates the area using a special large needle. This irritation is important because it initiates an inflammatory reaction which is the prelude to healing and regeneration. The areas that are irritated include the capsule, tendon insertions, pericapsular soft tissue, as well as cartilage.

Blood is drawn from the patient and spun in a special centrifuge in order to obtain platelet rich plasma. Platelets are blood cells that contain multiple growth and healing factors.

Once the irritation has been completed, stem cells as well as the platelet rich plasma are injected into the prepared area.

The growth factors within the platelet rich plasma act on receptors found on the surface of stem cells and cause the stem cells to differentiate and multiply.

The end result is cartilage regeneration as well as lessening of pain. While the data is preliminary, the early results appear to be very promising.

Nathan Wei, MD, FACP, FACR is a nationally known rheumatologist. For more info: Arthritis Treatment and Tendonitis Treatment Tips

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2012年7月26日 星期四

Basic Facts About Lymphoma

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that occurs in our lymphatic system. Lymphatic system is a network of small vessels and tissues spaces that circulates fluid called lymph throughout the body. Our lymphatic system consists of organs, ducts, bone marrow, spleen, tonsils and lymph nodes.

Lymphoma usually originates in the lymph nodes located all around the body, but they can also develop around lymph tissue that does not form distinct nodes. When lymph cancer develops in lymph nodes or lymph tissues, cells in the lymphatic system replicates abnormally.

Lymphomas are grouped into two major categories: Hodgkin's disease (HD) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).Hodgkin's disease tends to origin from lymph nodes and is found most commonly in younger adults while non-Hodgkin's disease can spread beyond the lymphatic system and occurs mostly in middle aged or elderly people.. These two major types of lymphoma are further divided into several subtypes. Diagnosis of lymphoma is usually done by biopsy of lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes affected by lymphoma appear prominently enlarged and disfigured. They may be stiff and have appearance similar to that of fish flesh. In extremely rare cases they are rock hard and they may show areas of cellular deaths (necrosis). Patients with lymphoma may have painless swellings of lymph nodes in the neck, underarm and/or groin. Some patients, especially those with Hodgkin's disease shows symptoms such as fever, night sweats, malaise fatigue, weight loss and itchy skin.

The treatment of lymphoma depends on the type of lymphoma diagnosed and also on the stage of the cancer, its location, the extent of symptoms and the physical condition and health of the patients. Radiotherapy is a preferred treatment for patients with both types of lymphoma. The other treatment options include chemotherapy, bone marrow or stem cell transplants, radio immunotherapy or biologic therapy.

Pauline Go is an online leading expert in the medical industry. She also offers top quality articles like :
Incurable Diseases, Bird Flu Prevention

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Conventional and Unconventional Cancer Treatments - Part One

To be diagnosed with cancer is a traumatic experience in life. Out of desperation, a cancer patient often immediately turns to different cancer treatment options. There is an array of treatment options available, both conventional and unconventional, that it may be stressful for a cancer patient to make a wise choice.

Conventional cancer treatments generally include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

Cancer surgery is an invasive procedure involving the removal of a cancerous tumor. Surgery is generally recommended if the cancer is operable, if it is in its early stage (there are four stages of cancer: the first stage being the early development stage, and the fourth stage indicative of advanced cancer), or if the tumor is localized, that is, without spreading to other parts of the body. The problem is that it may sometimes be difficult to determine the exact stage of cancer development.

All surgery is invasive, and all cancer surgery is traumatic - causing cancer stress. Cancer surgery reduces the body's resistance to cancer, and therefore predisposing the patient to recurrence of the disease. In addition, surgical biopsy may actually contribute to the spread of cancer, according to some studies.

Chemotherapy involves the application of chemicals not only to shrink the cancer but also to wipe out any cancerous cell that may remain hidden in the body after all visible cancer has been removed during the surgery.

The problem with chemotherapy is that these chemicals are extremely toxic not only to cancerous cells but also to nearby healthy cells and tissues. These toxic chemicals suppress bone marrow, which may lead to low immunity to infections due to reduction in white blood cell production. Infection could be a major cause of disease in patients who are already weak in immunity. Other lethal side effects of chemotherapy include damage to muscles of the heart, loss of fertility, and risk of developing a second cancer. In addition, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fatigue and nausea are some of the other unpleasant side effects as well.

Radiation therapy is the use of high-intensity X-rays to destroy cancerous cells. Essentially, chemotherapy therapy damages cells by destroying the genetic material that controls how cells grow and divide. Radiation is much more harmful to cancerous cells than it is to normal cells. While both healthy and cancerous cells are damaged by radiation, the goal of radiation treatment is to destroy as few normal, healthy cells as possible during the radiation process.

In mainstream treatments, more than half of the patients receive some type of radiation therapy to kill cancerous cells. Radiation therapy may be used before surgery to shrink a cancerous tumor, during surgery to direct large doses of radiation at a tumor, or after surgery to inhibit the growth of any remaining cancerous cells. Radiation therapy may also be used with chemotherapy not only to destroy cancerous cells, but also to shrink tumors in order to decrease the pressure, pain or other symptoms they may have caused.

Sores or ulcers in the mouth, throat, or intestines may develop after radiation therapy, causing difficulties in eating, thereby affecting the nutrition of patients. In addition, patients who have undergone radiation therapy may have a higher risk of developing leukemia.

Remember, cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry, involving pharmaceutical companies and the medical profession. This alone explains why Western medicine does not want any focus on unconventional cancer treatments. As a matter of fact, most Western doctors know very little about alternative cancer treatments because these unconventional treatments seldom find their way into prestigious medical journals. Some states even have enacted laws to prohibit unorthodox cancer treatments. Understandably, there are many unethical cancer quacks exploiting and preying on the fears of many cancer patients. However, some unconventional treatments are effective in combating and controlling the disease.

Stephen Lau is a researcher and writer. He has published several books, and has created websites on health and healing, such as eating disorders, natural healing, longevity health, and mental depression. For more information on cancer treatment options, visit: http://www.nomiraclecures.com/cancer-treatment-options.html

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2012年7月25日 星期三

Childhood Lymphoma

The term childhood lymphoma refers to cancers that originate in the body's lymphatic tissues during childhood and include the lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, tonsils, adenoids, and bone marrow, as well as the lymph vessels that attach them. Although there are many types of cancer that eventually spread to parts of the lymphatic system, lymphomas are distinctive because they originate there. Statistics report that there are about 1,700 children below 20 years of age who are diagnosed with lymphoma each year in the United States. Childhood lymphomas are divided into two basic categories, Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, based on the appearance of their cancerous cells, and is the third most common type of cancer in children.

Some of the children have other nonspecific symptoms, such as fatigue, poor appetite, itching, or hives. They also show symptoms such as unexplained fever, night sweats, and weight loss.

In the United States, there are nearly 500 new cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma detected each year in children. This disease occurs generally after 3 years of age in children. NHL is more common than Hodgkin's disease in children younger than 15 years of age.

Although there are no lifestyle factors that have been definitely linked to childhood lymphomas, children who have received either chemotherapy or radiation treatments for other types of cancer are at a greater risk of developing lymphoma. The first important step in the diagnosis of the enlarged lymph node is a biopsy that involves the removal and examination of tissue, cells, or fluids from the body.

Treatment of childhood lymphoma is largely determined by staging, a way to classify patients as per the spread of the disease at the time of diagnosis.

There are four stages of lymphoma, ranging from Stage I to Stage IV. This stage at diagnosis guides medical professionals deciding the type of therapy and helps doctors in prognosis. Treatment involves radiation, chemotherapy or both, depending on the type and stage of the cancer as well as the age and health of the child.

Lymphoma [http://www.e-Lymphoma.com] provides detailed information on Lymphoma, Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, Hodgkins Lymphoma, Lymphoma Symptoms and more. Lymphoma is affiliated with Breast Cancer Symptoms [http://www.i-BreastCancer.com].

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Back Pain and Sciatica Relief - Understanding Osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis, as it relates to back pain and sciatica, is an infection of the bone or bone marrow affecting the vertebral bodies of the spine. Osteomyelitis may be debilitating, disabling, and devastating, both physically and psychologically. The infection, usually a staph infection in adults (staphylococcus aureus), may in extreme cases cause death. Osteomyelitis is often difficult to diagnose and may go undetected for weeks, months, and even years. Unless properly diagnosed by a medical practitioner specializing in orthopedic medicine and infectious diseases, usually with blood tests focusing on the sedimentation rate, a bone biopsy to identify the nature of the infection, a radiologic examination to document certain changes in the bone, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) focusing on "hot spots," the prognosis may not good. Back pain and sciatica associated with osteomyelitis can range from a mild ache to a chronic and/or acute level of pain, completely incapacitating the individual. In this stage, without medical intervention pain relief is impossible.

The staphylococcus aureus bacteria may be introduced via a cut or sore on the body, usually in close proximity to bone, or as the result of a compound fracture (bone breaking through the skin). The bacteria may also be introduced during surgery, as the result of a spinal block or some other related procedure, or any other situation or circumstance where staph finds its way into the body. In such cases, it is vital that the patient confer with their medical practitioner to insure that the proper tests are ordered.

Common symptoms of osteomyelitis include:

o Malaise and a general weakness, often mistaken for chronic fatigue syndrome in the early stages.

o Sweating due to fever or chills, particularly "night sweats."

o Pain deep within the bone, usually an ache or throbbing sensation.

o Increased pain when pressure is applied around the area of injury or when the patient is standing,

o The area adjacent to a fracture or surgery site becomes swollen and inflamed.

o The skin around the affected area turns red and/or pus drains from the wound.

Osteomyelitis often requires intensive and prolonged antibiotic therapy. The antibiotic therapy, most commonly vancomycin, is administered intravenously and helps fight the infection, thus avoiding greater destruction of the bone and relieving the inflammation often at the root of the back pain and sciatica.

In severe cases of osteomyelitis, surgery may be required. The surgery is often a debridement, the removal of the infected and dead (necrotic) bone and tissue associated with the infection. In the worst case, osteomyeltitis may lead to the loss of a limb, significant damage to the spine and associated musculature and connective tissue, and even death...as noted above.

If the staph infection is discovered early enough, the prognosis is quite good. The back and sciatic nerve pain (sciatica) associated with osteomyelitis usually abates. However, if the infection goes undiagnosed and untreated for a long period of time, the back pain and sciatica associated with it may be totally debilitating and disabling. Additionally, if the patient fails to seek medical attention, the damage to the body may be profound and unalterable, permanent.

Finally, if you have the symptoms mentioned above, and very often the malaise and night sweats in conjunction with the back pain and sciatica will point you in the right direction...seek medical attention immediately. Why suffer when you don't have to? Osteomyelitis, and the associated back pain complex, in this case back pain and sciatica, is treatable and the prognosis can be quite good.

For further information, including an awesome book entitled The 7 Day Back Pain Cure, and an intelligent program of treatment for neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, what I refer to as the "back pain complex" click the link below:


For additional resources, articles, and videos dealing with neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, including additional treatment plans and a community for support...

Go to:


John P. Zajaros, Sr., The Bad Back Guy

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Catalyst Oncology And Its Deeper Perspective

Oncology is basically the study of cancer. The cases of cancer have been increasing as the world's getting modernized. Not all cancer is actually caused by the modernization, though. Because the number one cause of it is unknown, medically speaking, it is idiopathic. Mostly the secondary cause has been the genes, lifestyle and the environment. There have been numerous medical ways in dealing with cancer and one of it is the catalyst oncology. Catalyst oncology is one of its kind laboratories that deal with all about of the cancer to a patient. It actually helps cancer patients deal with their disease, from diagnosing up to their treatments.

Prevention is better than cure. The medical society has been postulating many different ways to prevent cancer or early detections has been encouraged to increase the prognosis and the chance of surviving. Diagnosing has been the first step of the catalyst oncology. It also is the most concern of the oncologists and the hardest of it is telling the patient that they have acquired cancer. Detections of unusual symptoms such as changing of bowel movements as well as unusual bleeding and thickening lumps are just three of the signs and symptoms that must undergo series of diagnostics before the confirmation of cancer. It is not easy to diagnose cancer. However, there are physical tests that can be performed by each person to detect some problems in the body such as the breast self examination (BSE) and the testicular self-examination (TSE). There have been a lot of physical examinations and tests, blood works and biopsies in confirming cancer. CT scans, MRI, x-ray, endoscopy and many others and the gold standard to diagnose cancer is the biopsy, are just few of the laboratory examinations included in catalyst oncology.

It is a fact that doctors, or to be specific, oncologist knew that there has still no sole medicine that can cure cancer or total eradication of the disease per se. However, there have been known medical interventions to prevent the metastasis or the removal of the tumor and these includes the chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. Different measures are generally called radical treatments. It would be through the surgical removal of the diseased part and use multi-dose medicines called chemotherapy. The use of radiation is also found to be helpful in treating cancer. Strictly following the therapy and treatment regimen are the first elements that must be taken into consideration when the person undergoes such. These interventions are only for the early stages of cancer. The most extreme or what they call the terminal stage will no longer use these measures, palliative therapy, or relieving the symptoms are the only possible ways that can be given by those medically-inclined professionals when death is very imminent, it may be in the matter of months, weeks, or worst, days.

It is good to know that there are also half of the total cases of cancer patients survived through the used of radical treatments. Take for example the pediatric cancer such as the leukemia, and bone marrow transplant has been found effective in treating the disease. Unfortunately, almost 50% unsuccessfully survived.

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2012年7月24日 星期二

What Is Lymphatic Cancer (Lymphoma) and Its Treatment Effects?

Lymphoma is the cancer of lymph nodes. Like all cancers, it is the uncontrolled growth of cells in the vicinity of lymph nodes. Lymph nodes can be viewed as stopping points of lymphatic system. Lymphatic system basically carries fighting soldiers to whatever areas of your body whenever the body area is invaded or requires help to fight foreign intruders. The lymphatic system is a network of 'highways' starting from below the chin to the back of the neck, to underneath the armpits and then to the groin area and connects to the spinal cord.

Lymphoma develops as lumps at the node areas, typically behind the neck, armpits and groin areas. Not all lymphomas grow in detectable areas. Once a lump develops careful monitoring is required. Whenever a lump occurs, it can be caused by

1) viral infection, which can be easily cured by a course of antibiotics and usually last only a week or two,

2) Tuberculosis, which detected at early stages can easily be cured, and which will require more specialized medical care and treatment,

3) Cancer, which can only be confirmed by a biopsy. If there are several lumps that have been growing for some time, it is vital to get the lumps checked out by a Hematologist. Hematologists are specialized doctors dealing with blood disorders. Lymphoma is considered as a blood disorder. For other types of cancer, one would go to an oncologist.

Other noticeable signs are cold sweats at night, lost of appetite, drastic weight loss and lethargy. Sometimes these signs do not appear as in my case except for the lumps on base of the neck.

Like many other cancers, lymphomas are quite complicated and have different types and subtypes but generally lymphoma can be divided into two broad categories, namely Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkins. Hodgkins lymphoma is much more curable and the prognosis is very good.

Conventional treatment applies for Lymphoma - surgery and radiation - if the cancer is fairly isolated typically only in stage 1 (more on staging later). Chemotherapy followed by radiation for cancer that is not so widespread in the body. If the cancer is in a fairly advanced stage as in stage 3 and 4, then a full course of Chemotherapy treatment is required, as was in my case.

Staging in lymphoma is different from other types of cancer. Stage 1 is cancer found on one part in one section of the body either above or below the diaphragm. If the cancer has appeared in more than one place on same side of the diaphragm, then it has gone to stage 2. Stage 3 means the cancer has spread to the abdomen and groin areas above and below the diaphragm. Stage 4 means that the cancer has been detected in the bone marrow. Stage 3 is already considered advanced stage.

Once a biopsy has confirmed that a tumour is cancerous, a CT scan is usually performed to stage the cancer. In lymphomas, a bone marrow tap is usually done to check if the bone marrow carries the cancer as well. CT scans are also performed at regular intervals during Chemotherapy to determine the treatment's efficacy. If the current treatment is not effective, doctors will switch to another Chemotherapy regimen. At the end of the treatment, a final CT scan and PET scan are conducted to confirm absence of cancerous cells. The words "No cancerous cells detected" are the sweetest words one can ask for.

Chemotherapy treatment can last between six to eight months and a month more to recuperate from the onslaught of Chemotherapy. Most people will give up work to focus on the treatment. As in my case, Chemotherapy was once every two weeks. The first week immediately after Chemotherapy is the worst.

Most of the time, I was too weak to keep awake. As time passed, strength returned and by the second week, I could manage a short walk. After that the whole process starts all over again.

Towards the end of the Chemotherapy, the body would have been pretty badly savaged by the Chemo poison. One often lands up feeling very different after Chemotherapy, and it takes months to get back toany normalcy. The speed of recovery from Chemotherapy really depends on one's physical and mental strength.

Chemotherapy, as it is often called - "It is a marathon"

Th Ong has fought cancer and won. He shares his story and his research to prevent cancer in the first place. He gives his book OnTopOfCancer for Free on the internet at http://ontopofcancer.blogspot.com

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Stem Cells May Make Many Lifesaving Treatments Possible - Much Work Needs to Be Done

Researchers reported on the new ability to reprogram adult human skin cells a little more than two years ago. This remarkable breakthrough has led to great excitement and anticipation, as well as ongoing investigations to help make regenerative medicine a reality. Important new developments are being published almost every month and the field is moving very fast.

Up until very recently everyone "knew" that adult cells had permanently lost their ability to return to a primitive state, i.e., lost their ability to transform into any other kind of cell. Everyone "knew" that once a cell differentiated into a particular lineage and cell type, that was it. In the words of the Bones characters Agent Seeley Booth and Dr. Temperance Brennan, there are "no do-overs" and "no take-aways" in embryology.

Almost none, that is. For example, adult bone marrow cells retain a multipotent ability. Throughout life, these cells transform into red blood cells, platelets, and many types of white blood cell. But this understanding has been shown to be insufficient. In fact, adult bone marrow cells have more than multipotent abilities. They are able to transform into brain cells under the right conditions, and may eventually be proved to be pluripotent.

Throughout the 20th century, schoolchildren, high schoolers, and college students learned that cellular differentiation is a permanent event. No do-overs. In 2007 visionary scientists proved that this "well-known fact" was incorrect. Adult human cells, specifically skin cells, are able to be reprogrammed back to an initial state. Reprogramming returned to these cells the ability to differentiate (transform) into any other kind of cell.

It's so easy to leap ahead and consider what might become possible. Healthy cells, tissues, and organs - tailored to a specific person - might be produced from a simple skin biopsy. Cures might become available for devastating diseases. Many people around the world might be helped to live longer, healthier lives. But much knowledge remains to be acquired and many genetic, immunologic, and biochemical challenges will need to be overcome before the first treatment for any disease is actually delivered to a patient.

The field of gene therapy provides a seriously cautionary tale. Fifteen years ago many scientists, as well as science experts in the popular press, believed that gene therapy was around the corner. The Human Genome Project was well underway and researchers had begun to identify a few DNA locations that were associated with specific genetic diseases. A few potential treatments were rushed into clinical trials. A catastrophic result soon obtained - the death of a Pennsylvania teenager who was a subject of one such trial. The field ground to halt as the FDA launched an investigation. It has taken many years for gene therapy to recover as a reputable discipline. Clinical trials for various therapeutic uses of reprogrammed pluripotent adult human cells will only take place after many years of further investigation and research.

David Lemberg, M.S. in Bioethics, Albany Medical College, May 2010 Consultant, Author, Speaker. Research interests - health care and health care policy, reproductive technologies, genetics and genomics, K-12 science education Executive Producer, SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, http://scienceandsociety.net Twitter - http://twitter.com/david_lemberg Visit SCIENCE AND SOCIETY for cutting-edge interviews with Nobel Laureates, trendsetting industry executives, and best-selling authors in the fields of cancer research, genetics, health care policy, nanotechnology, and space exploration.

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2012年7月23日 星期一

Prognosis and Treatment of Dog Lymphoma - Depending on the Disease Stage

In some cases, they will also have to do a needle aspiration on the lymph node. If you want to look for other types of cancer, you can use the analysis of blood, ultrasounds, biopsy of the bone marrow and x-rays to reveal their location. If you want to know the prognosis and the treatment, you first need to know at which stage is the disease.

In the beginning, only a small number of cells are affected in lymphoma cases and detecting the cause is not possible. At this point, you should just treat it. You should focus on a good quality life with long survival target when you do that. If the disease is detected from the beginning, there is a good chance that he will recover and the cancer will not show up again. About half of the dogs that have lymphoma can get into remission. If the dog isn't treated, he will live around two months from the moment he is diagnosed.

Treating your dog should be done with the help of a veterinarian oncologist, so that the treatment is as effective as possible. This treatment consists of vincristine, cyclophosphamide, L-asparaginase, prednisone and doxorubicin. In some cases, they will also use lomustine, chlorambucil, mitroxantrone and cytosine arabinoside during the treatment. In most cases, dogs will not suffer from complications during the chemotherapy treatment. However, in around 7% of the cases, the dogs will have to be hospitalized because of the side effects. But, as I said, in most cases they don't suffer during chemotherapy. Ask your vet for more information on this.

A lot of vets think that the main reason why dogs have lymphoma is their diet.

A lot of dogs are given grain based foods, but there is no dog race that eats grain when they're in the wild (not hyenas, dingos, coyotes, wolves). Since their body is not designed to produce the needed enzymes for grain, they should be fed mainly meat. Grain based diets for carnivores can lead to different health problems, cancer being one of them.

When you treat a dog that has lymphoma, diet is one aspect that is important and shouldn't be avoided. Cancer is rarely the cause of death in dogs. In most cases they will die because of kidney or liver failure, which are side effects of cancer. Fortunately, these side effects can be avoided if the diet is done right. You can add amino acid arginine and fish oil to the diet of a dog to encourage the production of fatty acids in the body of the dog. These fatty acids seem to have a lot of success in fighting the cancer.

The price of the food is not an indication on the quality.

You can give the dog cottage cheese, canned sardines (very good), meats and eggs to their diet. You need food with higher fat content. While some people say that a raw diet is better, others think that the food should be cooked. The fat contained in the food is more important than that. Meat should be the basis of the dog's diet.

While you can treat lymphoma in dogs easily, it will return in many cases. You can use fish oil to try to prevent that from happening. It can also prevent muscle waste and weight loss. The immune responses can be improved with the help of arginine supplements.

This article is not meant to replace the advice of a veterinarian. Talk everything there is to discuss with your vet.

Want to learn more about dog lymphoma? On CanineLymphoma.Net you can find articles about canine lymphoma dealing with the main canine lymphoma symptoms and about the effects of chemotherapy on dogs.

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Diagnosing Lymphoma

To diagnose a lymphoma case if very difficult because many of the lymphoma symptoms are similar to those of other medical conditions. However, based on the symptoms, you might suspect a lymphoma case and go see a doctor, where you will have a physical examination. Only through this thorough examination, and sometimes x- rays, your doctor can diagnose you with lymphoma.

When you go see your physician for an examination because you suspect a lymphoma case, here is what to expect: he/ she will start to palpate all your lymph nodes. They are situated in your neck, right under your chin, around your tonsils, your elbows, shoulders, in your groin area and under your arms. Besides this examination of these areas of your body in order to proper diagnose lymphoma, your doctor will also feel your abdomen and chest to see if there is any swelling there as well. Your liver and spleen will also be examined by palpation. If your doctor, after this examination, believes that there is a presence of lymphoma, further test will be made. The physical examination is just the beginning of the lymphoma diagnoses process. The test that are made after the examination serve to better determine if you indeed are suffering from lymphoma or not. A biopsy, x- rays, blood tests and scans are the next tests that you will have to take in order to be diagnosed with lymphoma. If the results in those lymphoma tests

are inconclusive, then you will probably also have to take a bone marrow test.

Lymphoma symptoms are not enough to diagnose this disease, because they can also be associated with other diseases as well. However, they serve to give you an idea that something is wrong. Here are some of the most common symptoms of lymphoma:

- swollen nodes, which are painless is the primary lymphoma sign;

- anemia, loose of weight and fatigue also tell you that you might be suffering from lymphoma;

- fever and sweating, mostly at night, for no apparent reason are also signs that indicate a lymphoma case;

- shortness of breath and an annoying, persistent cough are also lymphoma symptoms;

- itching, sometimes all over your body is one of the lymphoma signs as well;

There are also some other symptoms which can indicate a lymphoma case, but they are less common. Back pain or swollen tissues are some of the rare lymphoma symptoms. They appear because your lymph nodes can actually compress some of your nerves.

For more resources about lymphoma or even about mantle cell lymphoma please review this page http://www.lymphoma-center.com/mantle-cell-lymphoma.htm

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Description of Lymphoma

The first notice as painless enlarged lymph nodes (adenopathy or lymphadenopathy) is lymphoma. Generally enlarged lymph nodes do not mean lymphoma. The diagnosis of lymphoma can be determined or excluded by a biopsy and subsequent pathology evaluations of the tissue.

Depending on the type of lymphoma and where the lymphoma is actively growing symptoms can vary. Symptoms like anemia (low red blood cells count) the bone marrow dysfunction are not so common but are present in later stages of the disease and also as side effect of some treatments. MALT lymphomas may present as an upset stomach or an enlarged lymph node can cause a change in bowel movement.

It can be difficult to identify the meaning of a symptom because some of these may be common to certain stages of lymphoma and to specific treatments. Other medical conditions and illnesses that are unrelated to lymphoma like flu or an ulcer can be developed. There are other informations that doctor must know when he is informed about a symptom like: the intensity, the size and appearance, when it started, how long it has lasted, if it waxes and wanes, the medications and supplements used and the beginning of uses them, how the symptom might change when position is changed, association of the symptom with meals or specific foods, the time of day the symptom might be most intense.

These and other details help the doctor to identify the possible cause or causes, or if further tests are warranted. The common symptoms that appear are unexplained and persistent: anemia, appetite loss, fatigue, fever, flu-like symptoms - aches, fever, chills, infections associated with low white count, night sweats - drenching, pain; itchy skin (purititis), red patches; jaundice - yellowish tinge (related to liver function), swollen and painless lymph nodes, swollen spleen or liver, thrombocytopenia and weight loss.

B-symptoms are common and a onset of them may suggest that the lymphoma is progressing. Also b-symptoms present unexplained and persistent: fever and chills, drenching night sweats, fatigue, pruritus and weight loss. Other symptoms are flu-like symptoms like aches and pains, localized pain that may occur depending on the location of tumors, and frequent infections resulting from depressed immunity.

The diagnosis of lymphoma (which requires a biopsy) is often delayed because b-symptoms are common to both minor and serious medical conditions. Fever, night sweats, weight loss in excess of 10%, or asthenia, called systemic symptoms are infrequent at presentation of the disease but can be observed in later stages. If a patient develops systemic symptoms the progression to an intermediate-grade or high-grade lymphoma should be considered. To monitor progression monitoring blood for increasing levels of LDH and Human beta-2 microglobulin is used.

If a person present some of these symptoms a doctor should be consult for a proper treatment.

For more resources about lymphoma or even about non hodgkins lymphoma please review this page http://www.lymphoma-center.com/non-hodgkins-lymphoma.htm

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2012年7月22日 星期日

Is Glutamine an Essential Supplement for Weight Training?

Glutamine has to be one of the most misunderstood and hyped up supplements in the area of sports. If you ask ten different people about what glutamine is and what it does you will probably get ten different answers. Many bodybuilders and strength athletes use glutamine because they say it helps their recovery. In fact, they say the only way for it to have any effect is to take a large number of grams every day. Exactly how recovery is helped is a subject for some debate. Most articles about it are nonsense written only to get you to buy tubs of the stuff.

What is glutamine?

Glutamine is the most abundant naturally occurring amino acid in the body. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins and glutamine is one of the few that can actually cross the blood brain barrier so it is quite a popular component in the body's physiology. Under normal circumstances it is not an essential amino acid which means that there is no need to supplement with it with the same idea as you would take extra protein to support anabolism (bigger muscles). In fact, your body is probably producing its normal amount and storing plenty of it in your muscles if you are eating some of these: Beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, wheat, cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, parsley, tofu, cheese and yogurt. About 90% of the glutamine synthesized in the body is in the muscles. In fact, when study testing is done to see how much glutamine is present in muscle mass, biopsies are sometimes taken from the vastus lateralis (outside biggest quadriceps muscle).

First let us get some misunderstandings out of the way:

I'm too fat. Should I take glutamine for weight loss?

No, there is no evidence or studies to show that supplementing with glutamine helps to lose fat. It is not a fat burner or diet pill. Fat loss is only possible through burning more calories than you put in your mouth and limiting the amount of carbohydrate foods you eat.

I'm a scrawny guy. Will glutamine help me with weight gain?

No, you just need to eat more healthy food, train for hypertrophy, and perhaps look into increased daily protein on the order of some whey protein supplementation. Glutamine won't affect weight gain directly although it does play a role in protein synthesis as any other amino acid.

Will glutamine affect my weight training performance?

No, supplementing with glutamine will not affect your lifting directly. One study shows that it has no direct effect on strength performance. It is not like Creatine Monohydrate which acts as a cell volumizer and helps you get that extra rep or two when doing a set.

What is the difference between glutamine and L-glutamine?

They are the same. When you buy a supplement product off a store shelf, it will usually have L-glutamine written on it. There are "L" forms and "D" forms of amino acids (as in d-glutamine). The "L" is latin for "levo" (left) which refers to a particular molecular configuration to the left and is the one sold for human consumption.

What is the relationship of glutamine to the immune system?

When you engage in a very intense anaerobic workout, your immune system takes a huge hit as does your body's glutamine levels-and this is very interesting: If the concentrations of glutamine in your body were measured immediately after a stressful resistance type of workout session, they would be at roughly the same levels as when you began. After about two hours, however, those levels would have decreased by as much as 30-35%. (The levels of some essential amino acids, by the way, would decrease as well by that time).

Where does the glutamine go? There is some evidence to suggest that they are used by white blood cells, lymphocytes and neutrophils, as metabolic fuel. Neutrophils are the most abundant type of white blood cells of your immune system. They travel through your bloodstream and migrate very quickly to areas of trauma in the body where there is inflammation or infection.

If your immune system needs more fuel in the form of glutamine to recover then it only makes sense that you should supplement heavily with it, right? In one study where subjects were given 20-30 grams of glutamine daily to see if this affected their white blood cell count. It was found that although glutamine is needed for the rapid reproduction of lymphocytes (white blood cells), the levels of glutamine after a stressful workout done by "healthy, well nourished humans" do not fall low enough for white blood cells in the immune system to need more help to repopulate.

The study goes on to say that although healthy people can tolerate such large daily amounts (20-30 grams) of glutamine, administering mega doses of the supplement does not prove to support the immune system nor appear to have any miraculous anti-catabolic effects. If you're healthy and eating nutritiously with enough vitamins, nutrients and minerals and staying hydrated, drinking lots of water, your immune system will take care of itself.

You already have a lot of glutamine stored up under normal circumstances. Here is the other side of the story and where the debate originates from:

The benefits of Glutamine Supplementation

A person may have adequate nutrition but sometimes under extra-ordinary physical conditions, the immune system is put into constant jeopardy. In the realm of Sports science, there are studies that show that with overtraining syndrome (OTS) among elite athletes, glutamine levels are much lower than normal. It is therefore suggested that glutamine levels should be monitored and tested at regular intervals during the training program. If the levels are low then extra rest may be indicated as well as mega doses of glutamine supplementation. This is when glutamine becomes what is called a conditionally essential amino acid, meaning, it is necessary to take extra from outside sources.

There are other types of conditions similar to severe athletic overtraining at an elite level that may cause the glutamine stores in the muscles to never fully recover unless there is ample supplementation. Glutamine levels may become low due to immune-suppression due to bone marrow transplants, burns, surgery, and sepsis. There is one concerning bone marrow transplant patients who experienced less infection and whose hospital stay was shortened due to glutamine supplementation.

The Bottom Line

Should you supplement your weight training regimen with glutamine? If you are training two or three hours a week for about a half hour to forty five minutes at a time or less then you probably don't need it. Save your money. If, however, you are training six days a week and approaching elite levels of performance then it may be indicated to take mega doses in powder form mixed with some kind of liquid. Also if you knew you were going in for some kind of invasive elective surgery it probably wouldn't hurt to stock up on glutamine and start supplementing immediately.

If you liked this article, you may also be interested in the Why You Need Omega 3. Check out http://weighttrainingforever.com/ for more weight training information.

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