2012年9月17日 星期一

Catalyst Oncology And Its Deeper Perspective

Oncology is basically the study of cancer. The cases of cancer have been increasing as the world's getting modernized. Not all cancer is actually caused by the modernization, though. Because the number one cause of it is unknown, medically speaking, it is idiopathic. Mostly the secondary cause has been the genes, lifestyle and the environment. There have been numerous medical ways in dealing with cancer and one of it is the catalyst oncology. Catalyst oncology is one of its kind laboratories that deal with all about of the cancer to a patient. It actually helps cancer patients deal with their disease, from diagnosing up to their treatments.

Prevention is better than cure. The medical society has been postulating many different ways to prevent cancer or early detections has been encouraged to increase the prognosis and the chance of surviving. Diagnosing has been the first step of the catalyst oncology. It also is the most concern of the oncologists and the hardest of it is telling the patient that they have acquired cancer. Detections of unusual symptoms such as changing of bowel movements as well as unusual bleeding and thickening lumps are just three of the signs and symptoms that must undergo series of diagnostics before the confirmation of cancer. It is not easy to diagnose cancer. However, there are physical tests that can be performed by each person to detect some problems in the body such as the breast self examination (BSE) and the testicular self-examination (TSE). There have been a lot of physical examinations and tests, blood works and biopsies in confirming cancer. CT scans, MRI, x-ray, endoscopy and many others and the gold standard to diagnose cancer is the biopsy, are just few of the laboratory examinations included in catalyst oncology.

It is a fact that doctors, or to be specific, oncologist knew that there has still no sole medicine that can cure cancer or total eradication of the disease per se. However, there have been known medical interventions to prevent the metastasis or the removal of the tumor and these includes the chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. Different measures are generally called radical treatments. It would be through the surgical removal of the diseased part and use multi-dose medicines called chemotherapy. The use of radiation is also found to be helpful in treating cancer. Strictly following the therapy and treatment regimen are the first elements that must be taken into consideration when the person undergoes such. These interventions are only for the early stages of cancer. The most extreme or what they call the terminal stage will no longer use these measures, palliative therapy, or relieving the symptoms are the only possible ways that can be given by those medically-inclined professionals when death is very imminent, it may be in the matter of months, weeks, or worst, days.

It is good to know that there are also half of the total cases of cancer patients survived through the used of radical treatments. Take for example the pediatric cancer such as the leukemia, and bone marrow transplant has been found effective in treating the disease. Unfortunately, almost 50% unsuccessfully survived.

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